Betta fish, infamously known as the “Fighting fish” for their hot headed nature. They are a member of the gourami family fish, native to Mekong basin of Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos.


Betta fish can live in a really small and simple tank, without filtration, however they still prefer a big tank which has some caves, rocks and plants to explore.

Water conditions:

Betta fish from Saigon Aquarium accommodates well to tap water, after chlorine treatment.

Range of pH: 6.5 – 8.0

Water temperature: appx 26˚C – 28˚C


Betta fish are carnivorous animals, eat mostly insects and insect larvae. A diet food consisting solely of plant roots may keep them alive for a while. When feed betta, should only give them as much food as they can eat in about 3 minutes. Do not feed overfeed them or leave remains in the tank as the environment will become too toxic.


As both male and female bettas are very aggressive, it is hard to find a tank-mate for them. The individualists of the fish world, they are happy to live by themselves in a single tank. Females may be occasionally able to be housed together with other peaceful tank-mates.

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Mix Fancy Red Plakat

Fancy Red Plakat

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copper nemo mix 2

Black Koi Short Female (1) copy

Koi Nemo Galaxy Plakat Betta

Red koi galaxy plakat betta

Marble Dot Plakat Betta


Crowntail Betta

Crowntail Betta

Halfmoon Betta

Halfmoon Betta

Super Color Betta

Halfmoon Betta

Dumbo Halfmoon Betta

Female Betta

Female Betta

Female Betta

Mix Color Short Betta

Short Red Splendens Betta

Male and Female Betta

Halfmoon Betta

Red Long Betta

Red Long Betta